video (3 mins, play on loop)
Combining an animation like photography method with bits of video
EXIT, CC Hasselt

An introduction to modernization
video installation
This is where multiple generations meet.
5/06/2022 on Denderland TV
25-27 march and 2-3 april at Gluon Brussels

25-27 march and 2-3 april at Gluon Brussels

technical preparation
An introduction (but not mine)
performance in collaboration with Mariet Lavrijsen
As part of my master's graduation project, I chose to not be actively present at my presentation day. Instead, I sent artist Mariet Lavrijsen to give the jury a presentation about my video and photography works: armed with only a pointer and no preconceived knowledge about what would be shown.
She did tell me she wore her best outfit - to impress the jury.

Needless to say
(NL) De feestzaal vult zich stilletjes met feestende naalden van allerlei pluimage. Het ziet er naar uit dat ze veel plezier hebben! Er wordt gezegd dat het beruchte gezegde ‘Needles to say’ in deze exclusieve club is ontstaan. Dring door in het clubgebeuren en verdrink jezelf in de halfslachtige roddels en opgewonden vreugdekreten.
(ENG) The party lounge silently fills itself with partying needles of all sorts. It looks like they’re having a lot of fun! It has been said that the infamous saying 'Needles to say' originated in this exclusive club. Emerge yourself in the club scene and drown yourself in the halfhearted gossip and excited shrieks of joy.
(ENG) The party lounge silently fills itself with partying needles of all sorts. It looks like they’re having a lot of fun! It has been said that the infamous saying 'Needles to say' originated in this exclusive club. Emerge yourself in the club scene and drown yourself in the halfhearted gossip and excited shrieks of joy.
25-27 march and 2-3 april at Gluon Brussels

MAL - The Artist Interview
short documentary
Interview with multidisciplinary artist Mariet Lavrijsen (as part of our collaborational performances)